wedding films
wedding films
In depth booking
Before you book
Bride's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Groom's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Same email address. So we know it's you.
How long do you anticipate to wait for your final wedding film delivery?
If there is a specific date you would like for your film to be delivered, you can request for expedited edit. Additional fees will apply.
Other than the creative edits, do you expect anything else from Andrey Solo Films?
If you have ordered creative edit only and wish to have clean and professional documentary style edits as well, we recommend that you notify us in advance. Filming Creative and Filming documentary would at least 4 cinematographers to achieve high quality results.
What would you like to order for your final wedding film package?
30-59 Second Instagram Teaser
2 Minute Teaser
3-6 Minute Theatrical Teaser Film
6-14 Minute Recap Film
14-21 Minute Theatrical Feature Film
Documented Ceremony
Documented First Dance
Documented Toasts
Documented Special guest (performers, singer, musicians)
Any additional services you would like to discuss about?
Additional Cinematographers
Dinner Rehearsal Shoot (Creative, Documented or combined edit?)
Same Day Edit
Slo Motion Video Booth
Additional Hours ($250/hr)
Second Day Shoot (after wedding day)
Would you be interested in filming your Love Story?
Filming your love story before your wedding day is ideal if you would like to use it as your wedding invites for your guests, create a movie presentation for your special guests or simply just have it for sentimental value and as a testimony to others and including your future family!
Thank you!